.. _annex/color =============== Color selection =============== Basic color ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QElectroTech provides a **Select color** PopUp window with some basic colors. .. figure:: ../images/qet_color_default.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech basic color selector To select a color: 1. Click on the desired color. 2. Press **Select** button. The **Select color** PopUp window is also provided with a custom section where the colors defined in the past are stored. Custom color ~~~~~~~~~~~~ QElectroTech allows customizing colors by defining the HTML code. To define a custom color: 1. Press the buttom + from the custom color section of the **Select color** PopUp window. 2. Define the HTML code of the desired color in the text box. .. figure:: ../images/qet_color_custom.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech custom color selector 3. Press **Select** button to add the new color to the custom section of the **Select color** PopUp window. .. note:: The custom color can also be defined visually: 1. The color scale can be defined by the scrollbar placed at left side. 2. The grays scale can be defined by a cursor click on the color scale. .. seealso:: For more information about HTML color code, refer to online resources as: https://htmlcolorcodes.com/