.. _element/element_editor/edition/graphic/layers ======================== Layers in element editor ======================== Overlaping of parts, graphical elements, may occur at the graphical representation of elements. QElectroTech allows defining the representation order from part. Working with layers will be necessary, for example, when a filled part as `rectangle`_ or `ellipse`_ hides a `text`_. The definition of layer level from each `part`_ can only be done from `menu bar`_. 1. Select the `part`_ which layer level should be defined. 2. Select **Edit** from the main bar and the desired layer action. .. figure:: ../../../../images/qet_element_editor_menu_edit.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech element editor Edit Menu Regarding the layer actions allowed by QElectroTech, the following table defines all possibilities. =================== ============== ================================================================ ========================= Icon Action Definition Keyboard shortcut =================== ============== ================================================================ ========================= |bring_forward| Bring to front Brings the selection (s) to front ``Ctrl + Shift + Home`` |raise| Raise Aproachs the selection (s) ``Ctrl + Shift + Up`` |lower| Lower Moves away the selection (s) ``Ctrl + Shift + Down`` |send_backward| Send backwards Sends in the backwards the selection (s) ``Ctrl + Shift + End`` =================== ============== ================================================================ ========================= .. _rectangle: ../../../../element/element_parts/rectangle.html .. _ellipse: ../../../../element/element_parts/ellipse.html .. _text: ../../../../element/element_parts/text.html .. _menu bar: ../../../../element/element_editor/interface/menu_bar.html .. _part: ../../../../element/element_parts/index.html .. |bring_forward| image:: ../../../../images/ico/22x22/bring_forward.png .. |raise| image:: ../../../../images/ico/22x22/raise.png .. |lower| image:: ../../../../images/ico/22x22/lower.png .. |send_backward| image:: ../../../../images/ico/22x22/send_backward.png