.. _element/element_editor/interface/elements_interface .. role:: greentext .. role:: bluetext .. role:: orangetext .. role:: yellowtext .. role:: browntext ===================== Element editor window ===================== The element editor window is a PopUP window from QElectroTech. It has also been designed using `Qt`_ framework and widget toolkit. The window from QElectroTech element editor is the same for all platforms where it is available (Windows, Linux/Unix and MacOS). The window from the element editor contains the following areas: 1. :greentext:`Menu bar` 2. :bluetext:`Toolbars` 3. :yellowtext:`Drawing area` 4. :orangetext:`Panels` 5. :browntext:`Help bar` .. figure:: ../../../images/qet_element_editor_gui_elements.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech Element editor window .. _Qt: https://www.qt.io/