.. _element/element_editor/interface/panels/undo ========== Undo panel ========== The Undo panel lists all actions made by the user inside the `element editor`_ from last save. .. figure:: ../../../../images/qet_element_editor_panel_undo.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech element editor Undo panel To display the Undo panel: 1. Select **Settings > Display > Undo** menu item to display the Undo panel. .. seealso:: For more information about the actions for which the Undo panel can be useful, refer to `Undo panel`_ section from `QElectroTech main window`_. .. _element editor: ../../../../element/element_editor/index.html .. _Undo panel: ../../../../interface/panels/undo_panel.html .. _QElectroTech main window: ../../../../interface/elements.html