.. _folio/title_block/properties/extra_info ============================= Title block extra information ============================= QElectroTech provides the option to define a string field property named **Extra information**. This property field is provided to allow the user defining the author and/or license from `title block`_. Any other information can also be defined in this property field. .. figure:: ../../../images/qet_title_block_extra_info.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech title block extra information PopUP window To display/edit the extra information from the `title block`_: 1. `Display title block`_ in the `title block editor`_. 2. Go to **Edit > Edite extra information** menu item to display extra information PopUP window. .. figure:: ../../../images/qet_title_blok_editor_menu_edit.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech title block edit menu .. seealso:: For more information about customizing title block extra information, refer to `define title block extra information`_ section. .. _title block: ../../../folio/title_block/index.html .. _main window: ../../../interface/elements.html .. _title block editor: ../../../folio/title_block/title_block_editor/index.html .. _Display title block: ../../../folio/title_block/title_block_edit.html .. _Define title block extra information: ../../../folio/title_block/title_block_editor/edition/define_extra_info.html