.. _folio/title_block/properties/parent_collection ============================= Title block parent collection ============================= The parent collection property from a `title block`_ defines the `title block collection`_ to which the `title block`_ belongs. This property defines the rights from the user to `edit the title block`_. A `title block`_ with `QET title block collection`_ as parent collection can only be read by the user. A `title block`_ with `user title block collection`_ or `project title block collection`_ as parent collection can be read and writed (`edited`_) by the user. The parent collection from a `title block`_ can be defined during the `save process`_. .. figure:: ../../../images/qet_title_block_save_as_popup_window.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech title block save PopUP window .. _title block: ../../../folio/title_block/index.html .. _title block collection: ../../../folio/title_block/collection/index.html .. _QET title block collection: ../../../folio/title_block/collection/title_block_qet_collection.html .. _user title block collection: ../../../folio/title_block/collection/title_block_user_collection.html .. _project title block collection: ../../../folio/title_block/collection/title_block_project_collection.html .. _edit the title block: ../../../folio/title_block/title_block_editor/edition/index.html .. _edited: ../../../folio/title_block/title_block_editor/edition/index.html .. _save process: ../../../folio/title_block/title_block_editor/title_block_save.html