.. _en/preferences/new_project/cross_references_settings ========================= Cross references settings ========================= QElectroTech provides the option to storage at the Data from the application some `project properties`_ pre-defined by the user. This feature allows the user avoiding to define many `project properties`_ each time that the user `creates new projects`_. The **Cross references** tab from **New project** settings section allows pre-defining some `cross references properties`_: * Cross references type (Coil, organ of protection or Switch/button). * Cross references label * Representation position cross references label (Under the label of the element or Footer). .. figure:: graphics/qet_new_project_cross_references_settings.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech New project cross references settings To define cross references settings: 1. `Display`_ QElectroTech settings PopUP window. 2. Go to **New project** section. 3. Go to **Cross references** tab. 4. Define the desired parameters for each field. 5. Press **OK** button to save the configuration changes and close settings PopUP window. .. note:: All pre-defined cross references properties defined at QElectroTech settings PopUP window will be automatically defined during `project creation`_ at `project properties`_. The cross references properties can be found at `Cross references tab`_ tab from `New folio`_ section. .. _Display: ../../../en/preferences/display_settings.html .. _folio properties: ../../../en/folio/properties/index.html .. _conductor properties: ../../../en/conductor/properties/index.html .. _cross references properties: ../../../en/element/properties/index.html .. _project creation: ../../../en/project/new_project.html .. _creates new projects: ../../../en/project/new_project.html .. _project properties: ../../../en/project/properties/index.html .. _Cross references tab: ../../../en/project/properties/new_folio/cross_references.html .. _New folio: ../../../en/project/properties/new_folio/index.html