.. _project/clean_project ============= Clean project ============= QElectroTech stores on the project database every `title block`_, `conductor`_, `element`_, etc. which is introduced by the user. If the user deletes one `element`_ or replace the `title block`_ from the `folio`_, the `element`_ or `title block`_ will be deleted from the `folio`_ but it will still be storage at the project database. QElectroTech allows cleaning the project database from `menu bar`_. 1. Select **Project > Clean project** menu item to open the cleaning project PopUP window. .. figure:: ../images/qet_menu_project.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech cleaning project PopUP window 2. Select the check buttons desired (templates, elements, categories). 3. Press the button **OK** to clean the `project`_ and close the cleaning project PopUP window. .. figure:: ../images/qet_project_clean.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech Project menu .. note:: Cleaning the `project`_ is recomended to reduce the size of the project file and inclease the loading speed. .. _project: ../project/index.html .. _folio: ../folio/index.html .. _title block: ../folio/title_block/index.html .. _element: ../element/index.html .. _conductor: ../conductor/index.html .. _Menu bar: ../interface/menu_bar.html