.. _project/properties/general_prop ================== General properties ================== The general properties section from `project properties`_ PopUP windows is the area where the user can define global project variables that later on can be used at the `folios title block templates`_ to automate the filling of the `title block`_. Creating general project variables is recomended, it increases the working efficiency. The variables that can be found by default are: * **% {projecttitle}**: Project title * **% {saveddate}**: File saving date * **% {savedfilename}**: Registered file name * **% {savedfilepath}**: Saved file path * **% {savedtime}**: File saving time .. figure:: ../../images/qet_project_general_prop.png :align: center Figure: General project properties window To create a new project variable: 1. `Display project properties`_ PopUp window. 2. Go to **General** project properties section. 3. Define the variable name at the left cell from the last row of the project variables table. 4. Define the value of the variable at the right cell from the variable row. 5. Press the button **OK** to save the changes and close the PopUp window. .. seealso:: For more information about QElectroTech default variables, refer to `default QElectroTech variables`_ section. .. _Display project properties: ../../project/properties/display.html .. _project properties: ../../project/properties/index.html .. _title block: ../../folio/title_block/index.html .. _folios title block templates: ../../folio/title_block/index.html .. _Default QElectroTech variables: ../../annex/variables.html