.. _reports/summary/reload_summary ============== Reload summary ============== When any `folio`_ is added or any `folio property`_ is edited, the changes are not updated at the summary automatically. To update the `folio properties`_ at the summary, the summary has to be reload. To reload the summary: 1. Select the summary table, or one of the summary tables if there is more than one, to display the summary properties at `selection properties panel`_. 2. Go to **Content** tab. 3. Click |view-refresh| **Reload** button to update `folio properties`_ at summary. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_summary_properties_content.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech summary properties panel, content tab .. |view-refresh| image:: ../../images/ico/22x22/view-refresh.png .. _folio: ../../folio/index.html .. _folio property: ../../folio/properties/index.html .. _folio properties: ../../folio/properties/index.html .. _selection properties panel: ../../interface/panels/selection_properties_panel.html