.. _users/schema/conductor/conductor_text ======================== Define text at conductor ======================== QElectroTech allows defining and displaying information text at each `conductor`_. .. note:: Only `multiline conductors`_ allow text definition. To define the conductor text: 1. `Select the conductor`_ which should be edited. 2. `Display conductor properties`_ PopUp window. 3. Go to multiline section from **Type** tab. .. figure:: ../../images/qet_conductor_properties_type_multiline.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech multiline conductor text section 4. Choose the desired parametes for text positioning, text content or formula, text size, etc. 5. Click the check buttom **Apply properties to all conductor of this potential** if the changes should be applied for all `conductor`_ with common initial or end `terminal`_. 6. Press **OK** button to save and apply the property changes. .. seealso:: For more information about multiline properties, refer to `conductor type properties`_ section. For more information about automatic text definition during conductor creation, refer to `project folio properties`_ section. .. _conductor: ../../conductor/index.html .. _conductors: ../../conductor/index.html .. _terminal: ../../element/element_parts/terminal.html .. _multiline conductors: ../../conductor/type/multiline_conductor.html .. _Select the conductor: ../../schema/select/select_object.html .. _Display conductor properties: ../../conductor/properties/display_conductor_properties.html .. _conductor type properties: ../../conductor/properties/conductor_type.html .. _project folio properties: ../../project/properties/new_folio/conductor.html