.. _schema/element/references/related_items ================ Show linked item ================ On of the advantages of working with `cross references`_ on E-CAE tools like QElectroTech is the posibility to find the linked `elements`_ automatically. QElectroTech allows finding a linked `element`_ easily. If the `master`_ and `slave/s`_ element/s are at the same `folio`_, only by placing the mouse at one `element`_, the other/s will be remarked in blue. The linked `element/s`_ can also be found from the `element properties`_. .. figure:: ../../../images/qet_find_cross_reference.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech elements cross reference At the case that the `elements`_ are at different `folios`_, the linked `element/s`_ can only be found from the `element properties`_. Show slave linked item ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Select the `slave element`_ which should be linked from the `project collection`_ or from the `workspace`_. 2. Right click on the `element`_ selected and choose the option **Edit the element**. .. figure:: ../../../images/qet_element_right_click.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech element options 3. `Display`_ the **Cross-reference (Slave)** tab from the element editor PopUP window .. figure:: ../../../images/qet_element_slave_references.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech cross reference tab element properties 4. Search and select the desired `slave element`_ from the **Element related** table. 5. Right clik on the `slave element`_ and select the option **Show item** to find and display the `master element`_. .. figure:: ../../../images/qet_element_slave_link.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech cross reference tab element properties Show Master linked item ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Select the `slave element`_ from the `project collection`_ or from the `workspace`_. 2. Right click on the selected element and choose the option **Edit the element**. .. figure:: ../../../images/qet_element_right_click.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech element options 3. `Display`_ the **Cross-reference (Slave)** tab from the element editor PopUP window .. figure:: ../../../images/qet_element_slave_linked.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech cross reference tab element properties 4. Press **See the linked item** to find and display the `master element`_. .. _cross references: ../../../element/cross_reference/index.html .. _element: ../../../element/index.html .. _elements: ../../../element/index.html .. _element/s: ../../../element/index.html .. _folio: ../../../folio/index.html .. _folios: ../../../folio/index.html .. _Slave element: ../../../element/type/element_slave.html .. _Slave/s: ../../../element/type/element_slave.html .. _Master element: ../../../element/type/element_master.html .. _Master: ../../../element/type/element_master.html .. _Display: ../../../element/properties/element_properties_display.html .. _project collection: ../../../element/collection/project_collection.html .. _workspace: ../../../interface/workspace.html .. _element properties: ../../../element/properties/index.html