.. _schema/multiple_paste ============== Multiple paste ============== For making more eficient the schema creation, QElectroTech provides the feature multiple paste. This feature allows `copying`_ and `pasting`_ one or more objects automating some object definition actions. .. figure:: ../images/qet_multiple_paste.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech multiple paste As a difference to the standard `copy`_ and `paste`_ feature, the multiple paste feature provides the following options: * `Copy`_ and `paste`_ an onject (`element`_, `conductor`_, `text field`_, etc.) multiple times in one action. * Use QElectroTech auto-conection feature for `element terminals`_ which are at the same horizontal or vertical line. * Self-numbering of the copied `element/s`_, the `standard copy`_ feature does not allow using auto-numbering patterns. * Self-numbering of the copied/created `conductor/s`_, the `standard copy`_ feature does not allow using auto-numbering patterns. To copy and paste multiple times one or more object: 1. `Select the object/s`_ which should be copied. 2. Right click on the selected object/s. .. figure:: ../images/qet_element_right_click.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech element right click PopUP window 3. Select the option **Multiple paste** to display the multiple paste PopUP window. .. figure:: ../images/qet_multiple_paste_window.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech multiple paste PopUP window 4. Define the ``X`` and ``Y`` offset between original and copy/copies. 5. Define the number of copies desired. 6. Click the desired options about `auto-connection`_, `self-numebering of elements`_ and `self-numebering of conductors`_. 7. Press **OK** Button to close the multiple paste PopUP window and create the copies. .. _Select the object/s: ../schema/select/index.html .. _paste: ../schema/paste.html .. _pasting: ../schema/paste.html .. _copy: ../schema/copy.html .. _copying: ../schema/copy.html .. _standard copy: ../schema/copy.html .. _element: ../element/index.html .. _element/s: ../element/index.html .. _conductor: ../conductor/index.html .. _conductor/s: ../conductor/index.html .. _text field: ../schema/text/index.html .. _element terminals: ../element/element_parts/terminal.html .. _auto-connection: ../schema/conductor/conductor_creation.html .. _self-numebering of elements: ../element/properties/element_numbering.html .. _self-numebering of conductors: ../conductor/properties/conductor_numbering.html