.. _schema/picture ===================== Working with pictures ===================== QElectroTech allows adding and working with pictures at `folios`_. The format from the picture should be **PNG**, **JPG**, **JPEG**, **SVG** or **Bitmap**. .. figure:: ../images/qet_cover_arduino.png :align: center Figure: Cover Arduino project Add picture ~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Select the icon |insert-image| from `toolbar`_ to open the search file PopUP window. 2. Select the picture at the corresponding directory. 3. Press **Open** button to add the picture. 4. Left click on the `workspace`_ area where the picture should be placed. .. |insert-image| image:: ../images/ico/22x22/insert-image.png .. note:: If the `toolbar`_ is not displayed, it can be displayed from **Settings > Display > Add**. Resize picture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Right click on the picture. 2. Select the option **Edit the image** to display the picture editor. 3. Choose the size scale desired. 4. Press **Apply** button to change the picture size. .. figure:: ../images/qet_picture_edit_window.png :align: center Figure: QElectroTech picture editor .. note:: The picture editor can also be displayed with double click on the picture using ``Ctrl + e`` shortcut keyboard. Move picture ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Left click on the picture. 2. Move the picture without releasing the button. .. note:: The position from the picture can be locked to prevent involuntary movements, go to picture editor and check the **Lock Position** button. .. _workspace: ../interface/workspace.html .. _toolbar: ../interface/toolbars.html .. _folios: ../folio/index.html