BoyCott Advance/SDL (ou NGEMU) - Le Bottin des Jeux Linux

BoyCott Advance/SDL (ou NGEMU)

🗃️ Specifications

📰 Title: BoyCott Advance/SDL (ou NGEMU) 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: Tool
🗃️ Genre: Emulation 🚦 Status: 04. Released (status)
🏷️ Category: Emulation ➤ Engine ➤ Nintendo 🌍️ Browser version:
🔖 Tags: 📦️ Package Name:
🐣️ Approx. start: 📦️ Arch package:
🐓️ Latest: 2003-06-21 📦️ RPM package:
📍️ Version: 0.2.8 Release 1 (alias NGEMU 2.0) 📦️ Deb package:
🏛️ License type: 🎁 Free of charge 📦️ Flatpak package:
🏛️ License: Free 📦️ AppImage package:
🏝️ Perspective: Third & First person 📦️ Snap package:
👁️ Visual: 2D & 3D ⚙️ Generic binary: ✓
⏱️ Pacing: Real Time 📄️ Source:
👫️ Played: Single & Multi 📱️ PDA support:
🎖️ This record: 3 stars 🕳️ Not used:
🎀️ Game design: 👫️ Contrib.: goupildb & Louis
🎰️ ID: 7090 🐛️ Created: 2010-08-20
🐜️ Updated: 2021-11-14

🕸️ Links

[Homepage] [Dev site] [Screenshots] [WIKI] [Forums] [Changelog 1 2]

[Wikipedia (BoycottAdvance) [fr] [en]]
[Wikipedia (Game Boy Advance) [fr] [en]]

[The Linux Game Tome]

🕊️ Source of this Entry: [Site on Mastodon (date)]

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📕 Description [fr]

BoyCott Advance/SDL est un émulateur de console de jeux Game Boy Advance (GBA) vous permettant de jouer sous Linux avec des ROMS téléchargées sur internet.

Consoles émulées (avec doc Bottin): Game Boy Advance,

Ressources : voir la fiche "Ressources - Emulation (Nom de la console émulée)".
Attention : le téléchargement de ROMS commerciales est illégal à moins de les avoir acquises financièrement.

🚧️ Installation [fr]

PARAMETRES (extrait du fichier READLE.TXT) :
-[no]autoskip : Enable/Disable the auto frameskip option.
-[no]bios : Enable/Disable use of the GBA BIOS.
-[no]fastboot : Enable/Disable the GBA BIOS fastboot sequence.
-[no]intro : Enable/Disable some GBA release intro's.
-[no]romwrites : Enable/Disable ROM writes for running older demo's.
-[no]reversesound : Enable/Disable reverse sound playing.
-[no]sound : Enable/Disable GBA sound emulation.
-[no]throttle : Enable/Disable the throttle to a max of 60FPS.

-biosfile filename : Select an (alternate) GBA BIOS dump.
-frameskip 0 - 9 : Enable frameskip from 0 to 9.
-glmethod 1 - 2 : Allows you to select a different rendering method.
-gltexture 1 - 2 : Allows you to select Anti-Aliasing/Blur effect.
-joyport 0 - 3 : Allows you to select an other gameport.
-mode 0 - 19 : Make use of the 19 usuable filters.
-scale 1 - 4 : Allows you to resize the window/drawing.
-overlaymethod 1 - 5 : Select the Overlay rendering method.

-fps : Enable FPS counter options.
-fullscreen : Enable rendering in fullscreen mode.
-joystick : Enable the use of a joystick/gamepad.
-nvidiahack : When you see a garbled display, use this hack.
-opengl : Enable OpenGL rendering engine.
-overlay : Enable Overlay rendering engine.